above: iPhone 15 Pro with camera control

You Should Switch Your iPhone 16 Camera Control to Launch the Camera With a Double Click

Hey there, iPhone 16 users! Today, I've got a tip that’s going to save you a lot of frustration. So, you got your shiny new iPhone 16 and started playing around with that fancy new Camera Control button, right? But here’s something I’ve noticed after some hands-on experience – you might want to consider changing the button’s setting to launch the camera from a single click to a double click setting.

Why the Default Single-Click Setting is a Mess

Alright, here’s the deal. When your iPhone 16's screen is locked or dimmed (requires a tap or a raise to wake), the Camera Control button behaves inconsistently compared to when the screen is awake. Let me break it down:

  • Locked/Dimmed Screen: The first click wakes the phone, and the second click actually launches the camera. So yeah, you end up needing to chick twice, despite the setting being "Single Click"
  • Awake Screen: Only one click is needed to launch the camera, and a second click takes a picture.

Imagine thinking you’re about to capture a quick moment, but you end up just waking the phone. By the time you realize you need a second click… the moment’s gone. Brutal, right?

Why Double Click Setting is the Way to Go

Switching to a double click setting creates much-needed predictability. Whether your screen is awake or asleep, you’ll always perform the same action—a double click—to launch the camera. No surprises, no missed moments.

You know, I can't help but think about how the Apple under Steve Jobs would have meticulously thought through this kind of user experience nuance. It disappointing to see such an oversight in UX from a brand I look up to, as a UI engineer myself. But hey, improvements can still be made (though after everyone builds up their muscle memory is too late)! In the meantime...

Here's how to make the switch:

  1. Open Settings: Dive into the Settings app on your iPhone.
  2. Navigate to Camera Settings: Scroll and find the Camera section.
  3. Change Button Behavior: Find the Camera Control Button settings and switch from Single Click to Double Click.
  4. Test It Out: Lock your phone and give it a whirl. Enjoy that sweet, sweet consistency.

By doing this, you’re set for a more predictable and reliable photography experience with the iPhone 16.

Happy snapping! 📸