My Dream is Bigger Than...
2 min read • 227 words
above: Video credit: FILMIC Productions
I recently made a website for a protest organized by the Coalition for Tuition Equality (CTE), a student organization on campus. They, along with a bunch of partner organizations are fighting the UofM Regents for tuition equality; to allow undocumented students who grew up in Michigan, and whose parents pay Michigan taxes to pay in state tuition. Currently, they have to pay out of state tuition, which is entirely unfair and unjust. The current policies treat education as more of a privilege than a human right.
When FOKUS, a student org I'm in decided to join the CTE last year, I was very excited at the prospect of helping them out in any way possible. This year, when we stepped up to the plate to help them promote their protest on October 25, I jumped at the opportunity to be on the committee. It was a good opportunity to support a good cause, and learn some more web development.
Check out the website I created here. The site was designed by the incredibly talented Mallika Roy.
Update - 2012/10/25
The protest was today, and it was a success. The Michigan Daily wrote an article about it. Check that out here.
Update - 2013/07/18
The Regents voted on the issue today. Read more here.